Share Your Journey
This is a place where I hope that as you read about my miracles that you may want to share your stories as well. Every validation no matter how grand or how small will lift your heart. Please leave your comments or email them to me at , and I will share them too.
My husband and I were living the ultimate American dream. We had a wonderful family and were proud parents of four beautiful sons. We were so busy enjoying and living life. It was springtime and everything was a buzz as we were making final plans to support two of our boys; who were members of the Syracuse University Men’s lacrosse team, as they competed in the National Championship Games. Then without warning our lives were shattered. Everything that we knew and trusted was ripped from our grasp leaving this unimaginable gaping hole. In the spring of 2008 our son Aaron was killed in a motorcycle accident.
At that time I was not convinced by any stretch of the imagination that there was anything after death, but I also could not accept that he was taken from us. I knew that I had to find a way to fix this horrible tragedy, but how? The hurt was indescribable. I just could not get my head around that this was it, he was gone. How could that be? He was our son, he was supposed to be with us, we were supposed to take care of him and protect him. This pain was too much.
A few months after Aaron’s death I met a Medium, Melanie May and as we later learned, our meeting was completely orchestrated by Aaron. I was reluctant to trust in the abilities of a medium but on the other hand, I would do anything, take any risk to try to get my son back in anyway that I could have him. When I met with Melanie, she told me things that changed my life completely again. She told me things from my son that no one else could know. She told me specific thoughts that I had had about a book that I was reading, and she described in detail the plaque that his dad was making to honor his life. When speaking on the phone she told me right down to the color of the clothes that I was wearing, where I was standing at the moment and the description and color of the coffee cup in my hand. The messages from Aaron that he told Melanie to relay to me were specific and current. He told her to tell me these things so that I would trust that it was really him, and that he was still with me only in a different form. This experience was so foreign yet so very consistent with his personality and his way of doing things. Aaron was always bigger than life. You knew he was there even before he entered the room. With Aaron, if you knew him, you got all of him, all great big 6’3, here I am package. So, his methods of getting his messages to me and the things that he told Melanie were as if he were right there in the room with me. He was so insistent and demanding at times that Melanie would start to shake if she tried to put off his requests for her to call me.
Aaron told us that there was a much bigger picture to all of what has happened. Part of this bigger picture is that I would write about my miraculous journey, to help others to know that our loved ones are still with us, only their physical life ends. My journey of miracles has happened so that I could know that my son is still very much with me and with us all. I have documented each miracle and message, they are true and as they happened. Many times I would doubt that this could really be happening, thinking that I have made up each message because it is what I so desperately wanted to hear, only to receive the next validation proving to me again and again that he is there.
I have found my son again, or I should say that he has found me and at his insistence I have opened my heart and my mind to this different world.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Watch for this.
I was so fortunate to listen as he told me many of his experiences; how he heard from his brother almost immediately after his death and he told him that he was okay and what should be done to help his other family members. His stories and stories from the other relatives that gathered for this meeting were filmed and will be aired as a documentary on A& E on September 10 and 11th. I hope that everyone will make it a point to watch this documentary, as I am sure that it will enlighten us all. I can't wait!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Mountain (Eulogy) by Dan Christy
The following is written by Dan Christy after the untimely passing of his son. I spoke with Dan on the phone yesterday and as we spoke, we began sharing stories of our experiences since the passing of our sons. I found that we had much to talk about not only sharing of our experiences but also how the events of the past few years have changed who we are and the way in which we view our world. It is my wish that as you read about these experiences whether they are written by me or by someone that sends me their story; that you will find peace and comfort.
I am grateful to you Dan; for sharing your experience with us.
The Mountain (Eulogy)
A special gift to Dan & Debra Christy from God - Written by Danny’s Dad
Although I moved away from the "every Sunday church" thing, I have always been a believer in faith, and communicated with God often.
In the days following my son's passing, I had been continually crying out to him to give me SOME kind of sign to acknowledge that he knew I loved him and that he was okay now. I had been carrying quite a bit of guilt with me as the last few years I felt that I wasn't doing enough to try and help him with his personal problems.
Just a few months prior to his passing he mentioned to me that it would be nice to go hiking and mountain climbing with me again sometime, as we hadn't done anything together in years, and we both enjoyed hiking. Looking at my underweight, un-healthy, chain-smoking son, I said yeah, maybe we could someday. But I knew that in his poor physical state it would be nearly impossible. After my son's passing, I had been consumed with guilt because I didn't even TRY to do it.
On the Tuesday evening following Danny's death, my sister Nancy invited Father Guida, a “gifted” priest that she knew, to our home. She had mentioned that he had helped her with some personal issues in the past and thought he might be able to provide some comfort to Debra and me. He prayed over each of us and, while touching my head and praying to Jesus to relieve me of my pain, he paused and the room became quiet. Debra looked up at him and, with his eyes closed, he asked me, "Did your son like hiking?" A chill went down my back and I said, "Yes, very much." He then told us that, "He has His hand on your son's shoulder and is telling him, "Let's go for a hike." When I asked the Padre who "He" was, he simply replied, "Jesus…your son is with Him”. The room became very quite again. He then proceeded to tell me that Danny was with Jesus and they were hiking down a path with a mountain in the distance. While climbing the mountain, he saw that they had paused at a “plateau” part way up. They then turned together and Jesus again put His hand on Danny's shoulder and they continued their climb towards the summit. He said that both Danny and Jesus were looking down upon us while the Padre was praying over Debra and me.
My family and friends, the last time I climbed a mountain with my son, it had an open plateau part way up where we enjoyed the view and camped before climbing to the summit the next day. Father Guida had absolutely no knowledge of ANY of this, Danny's love of hiking, or my guilt in relation to it. I felt as though a 400-pound load of bricks had been removed from my shoulders. After this prayer session, I knew that God had communicated, through Father Guida, what I was looking for: confirmation that my son knew that I loved him, that he was okay, and that he had returned to the same mountain for a hike to relieve my guilt.
Father Guida mentioned to my sister that at the time of her request for the home visit, he was extremely busy and didn’t really have the time to spare. However, he felt a strong “compelling” that he must do this. He also stated that because he does not know the significance of information received in such visions, he is hesitant to acknowledge all details. This way, in the event that any details may be of a negative nature, it won’t cause pain to the family. However, in our case he said the vision was so powerful, he was convinced that all information could be nothing but positive. He was correct.
Please say a prayer for Danny, hold your children close, and know that God, Danny and Debra and I love all of you. Let it be known that I will be returning to that mountain soon for another climb to the summit.
Giant Mountain - Adirondacks 
Friday, July 22, 2011
Aaron says "Peaches"
I was delighted to hear that Aaron was making himself known, he always likes it whenever we get together and I was just thrilled to hear from him. So I arrived at Melanie's house and as we were chatting by her pool, she said, "Aaron's here and he is saying "Peaches". Why is he saying peaches? Does that mean something?" We had planted a peach tree for him when he was little and that was the only thing that I could think of that would connect to "Peaches". "No, he is not telling me that that is the connection to "Peaches". Melanie said. When Aaron, or any spirit is communicating with Melanie and the connection is confirmed, she is flooded with goosebumps and has a very definitive "knowing" that we are getting the correct message. This was not the case when I mentioned the peach tree. Well, we knew that we just needed to be patient and he would let his meaning of "peaches" unfold.
We were by now floating on rafts in her pool when I noticed something else also floating in the water. There was a small frog floating right along side of us. I scooped the frog out of the pool, only to have him jump right back into the water. "You know," I said. "That would be just like Aaron to send that little frog to see if we would freak out and run from the water in hysteria."" As soon as I said those words, Melanie was completely flooded with confirmation from Aaron, letting us both know that he was still up to his tricks. "He is saying "Peaches" to me again." Melanie said. "What could that mean?" I still had no idea but I knew that he would get his meaning through especially since he kept bringing it up.
It was time for me to head back home. I was a little disappointed not getting the meaning of "peaches" but I told myself to be patient, Aaron has never let me down before. If he is referring to something, then he will stay with it until I "get it". As I opened the door to step outside and collect my belongings and head home, the words played on the radio right by the door, "Grandpa selling peaches". The song: "If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away" was playing and those were the words at that exact moment.
Nothing like a beautiful message from my son to make me cry and smile with such lifting of my heart.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
A few days later, as I was walking through the fair a little girl stopped me and said "look", as she pointed to her cheek. There, painted in a pretty shade of pink was the face of a pig painted on her cheek! Don't you just love it?!!!